Wall Decor Wood Carvings |

Souvenirs and Wooden Gifts |

Garden Decorative Wooden Items |



  Wood Carvings

Made from Petar Dimitrov

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Handmade products from me, arranged in respective categories:
All price is NOT include 20% VAT!!!

Wall Decor Wood Carvings

Cat.name: Pearl01
wood: linden
color: walnut color
lacquer: covered with lacquer
Dimensions: w.26 * h.29 sm.
PRICE: 25.00 BGN

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Souvenirs and Wooden Gifts

Cat.name: Horseshoe 01
wood: linden
color: walnut color
lacquer: covered with lacquer
Dimensions: w.26 * h.29 sm.
PRICE: 25.00 BGN

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Garden Decorative Wooden Items

Cat.name: Carriage 01
wood: pine
color: mahogany
lacquer: covered with lacquer
PRICE: 80.00 BGN

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Cat.name: Hunting Trophy Shield Mount Deer №Е1
wood: linden
color: walnut color
for linden:
PRICE: 100.00 BGN

for walnut:
PRICE: 130.00 BGN

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For orders, please contact: e-mail cnc_design@abv.bg, or a Mobile: +359 887 142 222.